Until now, all so called “get rich experts” tout their own style of one-size-fits-all techniques. Their opinions are based on a single idea created through a personal filter, the very subjectivity of which decreases the odds of success for others.
The truth is, no single formula for obtaining financial prosperity works! The only “expert” capable of determining how to create wealth is the person themselves and that makes options for succeeding infinite!
In my new book, hundreds of personalities were examined. The conclusion; all people share external traits but what separate success and failure is an applied divine difference that link behaviors on an individual basis.
My new book, Reawakening an American Dream, illuminates behavioral thinking that paves a way to wealth, by unlocking personal power permitting individual outcomes to naturally unfold—retooling the mind for individual best use.
Because the brain is more disposed to learning patterns from personal experiences, this book was written with composite characters based on the most common classic personality types to frame each chapter.
Actual success techniques were woven into the stories, making change virtually effortless, in much the same way children learn new behaviors because they are cognitively predisposed.
Regard theme as anyone-can-do-it stories—from a study of a hitchhiker turned serial entrepreneur to a grandmother who made her fortune investing her cookie-jar money. You’ll find each of them enlightening, as they offer instruction that can open doors to your own riches.
Expected Release Date July 10th 2020
Kevin J Palmer…writer rebel producer poet