As a Wall Streeter, Behavioral Finance Researcher, and Champion of Financial Justice, your extensive research has culminated in a transformative revelation
Your work is a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter future!
Hello Kevin,
Congratulations on your extraordinary book, “Reawakening an American Dream”! Your work is a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter future filled with financial freedom and personal success.
In a world dominated by “how-to” guides, your book stands out as an empowering “I can” manifesto. Through captivating stories and profound insights, you unveil the remarkable journeys of everyday individuals who have achieved extraordinary wealth by embracing their inherent qualities. By showcasing their triumphs, you demolish the illusion that only a select few can attain financial prosperity.
Your exploration of the Quiet Rich goes beyond material gain. It delves into the realms of morality and human connection, reminding us of the true essence of what makes America great. By illuminating the path towards wealth equality and improving the human condition, you inspire us to reevaluate our understanding of success and challenge conventional notions of wealth accumulation.
As a Wall Streeter, Behavioral Finance Researcher, and Champion of Financial Justice, your extensive research has culminated in a transformative revelation. You have unraveled the secrets of those who, through a spiritual alignment with their personalities, made cognitive decisions that led to their wealth. From a hitchhiker turned entrepreneur to a wise grandmother who invested cookie jar money, their diverse stories exemplify the power of merging individuality with financial success.
What sets your book apart is its inclusive approach. Unlike traditional wealth manuals that dictate a single path to riches, you provide a platform for self-discovery. By synthesizing the experiences of ordinary people who have achieved greatness, you empower readers to unearth their own unique journey towards prosperity. Your work is a testament to the fact that there are no universal formulas for success but instead a myriad of personalized paths waiting to be explored.
“Reawakening an American Dream” exudes applied wisdom, courage, and the unwavering confidence to build meaningful lives while accumulating wealth. It offers a rare glimpse into the lives of those whose stories were previously unknown, and from them, we glean invaluable lessons and virtues. Your book reminds us that financial success can be achieved hand-in-hand with integrity and purpose.
Kevin, your contribution to the literary world and the field of personal development is remarkable. By sharing the stories and insights of these quiet and rich Americans, you have gifted us with a guide that transcends mere financial advice. It ignites the fire within each reader, encouraging us to embark on our own transformative journeys and realize our fullest potential.
Your book empowers countless individuals to rewrite their stories, overcome wealth injustices, and reshape their lives. Your work is a testament to the indomitable spirit of human perseverance and serves as a powerful reminder that within each of us lies the capacity to achieve greatness.
Warm regards,
Matt Sanders

Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer
Categories: Activist

Your book empowers countless individuals to rewrite their stories, overcome wealth injustices, and reshape their lives. By illuminating the path towards wealth equality and improving the human condition, you inspire us to reevaluate our understanding of success.