Activist | Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale Champion of Financial Justice Wed, 31 May 2023 14:18:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 From Executive Matt Sanders Wed, 31 May 2023 14:18:09 +0000 Your work is a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter future! Hello Kevin, Congratulations on your extraordinary book, “Reawakening an American Dream”! Your work is a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter future filled with financial freedom and personal success. In a world dominated by “how-to” Read more…

The post From Executive Matt Sanders first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Your work is a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter future!
Hello Kevin,
Congratulations on your extraordinary book, “Reawakening an American Dream”! Your work is a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter future filled with financial freedom and personal success.
In a world dominated by “how-to” guides, your book stands out as an empowering “I can” manifesto. Through captivating stories and profound insights, you unveil the remarkable journeys of everyday individuals who have achieved extraordinary wealth by embracing their inherent qualities. By showcasing their triumphs, you demolish the illusion that only a select few can attain financial prosperity.
Your exploration of the Quiet Rich goes beyond material gain. It delves into the realms of morality and human connection, reminding us of the true essence of what makes America great. By illuminating the path towards wealth equality and improving the human condition, you inspire us to reevaluate our understanding of success and challenge conventional notions of wealth accumulation.
As a Wall Streeter, Behavioral Finance Researcher, and Champion of Financial Justice, your extensive research has culminated in a transformative revelation. You have unraveled the secrets of those who, through a spiritual alignment with their personalities, made cognitive decisions that led to their wealth. From a hitchhiker turned entrepreneur to a wise grandmother who invested cookie jar money, their diverse stories exemplify the power of merging individuality with financial success.
What sets your book apart is its inclusive approach. Unlike traditional wealth manuals that dictate a single path to riches, you provide a platform for self-discovery. By synthesizing the experiences of ordinary people who have achieved greatness, you empower readers to unearth their own unique journey towards prosperity. Your work is a testament to the fact that there are no universal formulas for success but instead a myriad of personalized paths waiting to be explored.
“Reawakening an American Dream” exudes applied wisdom, courage, and the unwavering confidence to build meaningful lives while accumulating wealth. It offers a rare glimpse into the lives of those whose stories were previously unknown, and from them, we glean invaluable lessons and virtues. Your book reminds us that financial success can be achieved hand-in-hand with integrity and purpose.
Kevin, your contribution to the literary world and the field of personal development is remarkable. By sharing the stories and insights of these quiet and rich Americans, you have gifted us with a guide that transcends mere financial advice. It ignites the fire within each reader, encouraging us to embark on our own transformative journeys and realize our fullest potential.
Your book empowers countless individuals to rewrite their stories, overcome wealth injustices, and reshape their lives. Your work is a testament to the indomitable spirit of human perseverance and serves as a powerful reminder that within each of us lies the capacity to achieve greatness.
Warm regards,
Matt Sanders

Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer

The post From Executive Matt Sanders first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Spot Me a Dime Sat, 08 Jan 2022 17:19:47 +0000 Happy New Year! I just woke up from a 20-year cryogenic sleep. Whussup?! I need your DSL to torrent the latest Britney single, and to use whatever replaced Google to find a Blockbuster — gotta rent Felicity on DVD! Team Noel! Hmm, I should call my mom and my Blackberry Read more…

The post Spot Me a Dime first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Happy New Year!

I just woke up from a 20-year cryogenic sleep. Whussup?! I need your DSL to torrent the latest Britney single, and to use whatever replaced Google to find a Blockbuster — gotta rent Felicity on DVD! Team Noel! Hmm, I should call my mom and my Blackberry isn’t working. I’ll just pop out and look for a phone booth. Spot me a dime?

Hey, why’s everyone wearing masks?

As another certain-to-be-confounding year begins, our freshly-refurbished, now-weekly newsletter will help you help your audience make sense of the world. We’ll bring you learning opportunities and edifying content, plus the ubiquitous “and more!”

by Holly J. Morris (she/her)

I saw the writing on wall, when the first non-broker trained CEO was appointed at MERRILL LYNCH. My boss, who answered directly to that CEO, said to me after first meeting him, “…some people make bold moves to climb to the top. Others hide behind them so they don’t get shot in hopes of reaping spoils, if others fail. Time to take the severance package before this ship blows itself up…” I requested mine to be finalized on May 8th the day Joan of Arc liberated Paris in 1429. Not long after, two executives and I were advising other firms on how to be better Broker-Dealers. Four months almost to the day, on what would have been my usual quarterly visit to Merrill Lynch headquarters in New York City. The Twin Towers were attacked. Seven years later my old firm MERRILL LYNCH collapsed under subprime and credit default swap mistakes. The rest of the financial markets and the country’s economy followed.

Author and Journalist Kevin Palmer

SMA Institute Kevin Palmer

Kevin Palmer discharged

Wealth Expert Kevin Palmer 

Hidden secrets first-time millionaires have used to gain abundance

The post Spot Me a Dime first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Not Accurately Identifying The Problem Tue, 09 Nov 2021 16:28:18 +0000 Not Accurately Identifying The Problem Encore Performance Published on March 11, 2015 The governor’s balanced budget initiative has brought back an old argument that comes up whenever it is time to cut spending. How much more money is needed to make education work? Spending money on kids is a great Read more…

The post Not Accurately Identifying The Problem first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.


Not Accurately Identifying The Problem

The governor’s balanced budget initiative has brought back an old argument that comes up whenever it is time to cut spending. How much more money is needed to make education work? Spending money on kids is a great argument but maybe the question is about how the current educational system works. The best lessons I learned were from my parents who worked harder at my education than anybody who was paid to teach me. Granted you can spend money on computers, buildings and administrators but that alone has not translated to success. Before money is automatically thrown into a self-serving spending cycle, challenges in the educational system must be accurately identified. History teaches us collective wisdom of the day determined the source of the black plague was decidedly fleas and dogs were slaughtered by the hundreds. But like a lot of well-intentioned ideas it was somewhat wide of the mark, and had unexpected consequences. The thought leaders of the time, by not accurately identifying that the problem was rat fleas, unwittingly eliminating the most effective way in 1349 to hold down the rat population and thus a more vicious rash of Black Plague spread. –Always positioning to spend money on education gets old for tax payers. No one likes paying taxes without a desired return. My hope is in over six hundred years we have an evolved thought process.

Published by

Kevin J. Palmer

Economic Justice Activist


The post Not Accurately Identifying The Problem first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

American Dream Interview with Kevin J Palmer Thu, 31 Dec 2020 16:34:58 +0000 Part 1 of the American Dream Interview with …they use that power to make regular folks feel indebted… QUESTION: We’ve just seen one of the most contentious elections in history. Has the American Dream been lost? America was founded upon personal freedoms, or so we were taught. We are the Read more…

The post American Dream Interview with Kevin J Palmer first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.


Part 1 of the American Dream Interview with

…they use that power to make regular folks feel indebted…

QUESTION: We’ve just seen one of the most contentious elections in history. Has the American Dream been lost?

America was founded upon personal freedoms, or so we were taught. We are the greatest nation on earth and I’d rather be nowhere else.

The problem we have has plagued civilizations throughout history. Regular people get grounded up in the gears of special interests. Some humans feel they have a right to tell others how to live their lives.

New origin theory says, several hominins evolved and dispersed out of Africa at various times, Homo erectus, Neanderthal, Homo sapiens. We all have differing levels of aggression characteristics.

When we were hunter gathers, 200,000 year ago, we all got along okay in small groups. Once we developed into an agrarian society, land ownership became important and power was essential in getting and keeping farmland.

There will always be those who feel they can use others for their personal benefit. As a behaviorist I can give it clinical names but there is too much name calling…just go on Twitter. It is Absurd!

What we need to do instead, is be aware —then rise above the fray, with strategies to deal with that subliminal oppression.

We empower people in the public sector for our benefit and then they use that power to make regular folks feel indebted to them—when we hired them in the first place, or in the case of large corporations, buy from them with hard earned cash.

Americans should not accept oppression from politician’s, corporations, police, school administrators, DMV (ha ha) or any institution put in place as a public service to us for a greater good.

Part 2 of the American Dream Interview with writer, rebel, producer poet, Kevin J Palmer

…not be held hostage to agendas or threats of getting fired. Which I suggest…

QUESTION: So, then what is the answer?

Simple answer is to take back control. That’s what I call financial freedom. Amassing your own wealth so you have leverage.

Besides love, money is the strongest power in society but it can be used for good.

Problem is, those in power intentionally try to keep the masses so busy they have no time to amass their own wealth and be able to fight back.

We only get the opportunity to vote once every 4 years and it is usually a colossal mess of poorly qualified candidates falling over themselves to get their snout in the public trough. So, they keep people working so busily they don’t notice and keep feed the tax base no matter, who or, what.

Plus, we need to raise kids, go to church, walk the dog. Who has time to fight back? So, nothing ever changes and the same career politician’s, CEO’s and bureaucrats keep resurfacing.

Look at COVID-19. Government was too busy to see it coming, couldn’t stop it, nor did they take China to task for cause. But boy did they use it for political gain against each other. Meanwhile the simple answer was lockdown.

By sweeping everyone in to the same common denominator, they missed the opportunity of a collaborative global discussion on how to deal collectively or stop future pandemics. Population and environmental stewardship must get in sync!

Americans need to have our own powers to say, Stop. That means financial freedom or basically enough net-worth to live independently.

Then you can refuse a boss who intimates, or a societal psycho who thinks you have no options when they bully you. If there is a sociopath in your life threaten them. They start popping like a frying egg. Having time to stop abuse or being taken advantage of, gives more quality time with people who love you.

To be clear. This book is not about money it is about freedom. In my teenage years as a young surfer, I could never see myself squeezing on to the LIRR to go work in an overcrowded city. I wanted the freedom to do what I loved most. My problem was how?

Well, having nothing to lose is one way. Tried that…ha ah

Another way is having the emotional disciple to accept all that happens to you. Tried that too…very painful.

I’m not saying one of these is better than the other but the one I chose long term was to have enough money, not be held hostage to agendas, social shifts, or threats of getting fired.

Which I suggest by the way. Read my blog…/proudly-fired…/ about the merits of being fired. That is a way to empowerment and stimulate. Look at disrupters, Musk, Branson Zuckerberg —sorry I digressed.

What’s your next question?

Part 3 of the American Dream Interview with writer, rebel, producer poet, Kevin J Palmer

…a revolution against wealth disparity which get worse every year…

QUESTION: Beside buying your book, haha, what else should people do to keep ahead of this curve?

Be aware!

Information is limited and slanted for control as we just discussed.

Let’s face it, the moto of the powerful is, keep people distracted so they become chronically dependent.

Romans did it with Circus Maximus but modern sports, social media, and politics are not much different. Learned helplessness is all for the benefit of those in higher echelons of power. It gives them more control.

The goal of government is to protect its own longevity not only in political parties but for world domination. Veni, Vidi, Vici, I came, I saw, I conquered. Go back to my thoughts on human evolution or the pandemics.

It was suggested to the populous, the benefit of lockdown was, time to Test and Trace. Do you have any idea how much information is kept on citizens? Economic lock down is unnecessary if there are creative alternatives but it was easiest. Either way Anthony Fauci has a job, so lock down was an easy decision for him, but he likely won’t be lending you grocery money.

“For the general good” always means for lowest common denominator. Around 80% of the population would have Covid19 symptoms similar to a garden variety flu. Of the remaining 20 % who have noticeable symptoms, only a small amount show severity. The tail wags the majority.

Power is in the hand of the few who scoop everyone else in to the same tax base bucket. The only way to fight back, short of anarchy, is with what, where, and HOW MUCH, you spend.

There are schools of thought that say, the government can afford to pay all citizens’ an average annual wage because people will always spend money on goods and services that can be taxed at a rate high enough to fund our GDP and run the country. If that happens, we would be completely in the pockets of the powerful few. Then there is zero independence.

Financial freedom is about fighting back to equalize economic justice. It is about having a revolution against wealth disparity which get worse every year.

No one should suffer because the super-rich think they deserve to have all the marbles. There are enough marbles to go around.

Time to go get yours.

Published by

Kevin J. Palmer

Status is online
Economic Justice Activist

The post American Dream Interview with Kevin J Palmer first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Take Back Control Thu, 08 Oct 2020 16:54:17 +0000 As we have witnessed in recent political debates politicians without practical economic training create smokescreens to distract from actual details of economic understanding and pit one side against the other to avoid truth. Donald Trump bullied federal reserve chairman Powell who had no part of Whitehouse fiscal policy. Joe Biden Read more…

The post Take Back Control first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

As we have witnessed in recent political debates politicians without practical economic training create smokescreens to distract from actual details of economic understanding and pit one side against the other to avoid truth. Donald Trump bullied federal reserve chairman Powell who had no part of Whitehouse fiscal policy. Joe Biden promised tax cuts but will repeal previous tax cuts, making it at best, a neural strategy.

State government is far worse. Covid19 has put Governors on the national stage. Like ants without a queen, policy is as random as their economic understanding. Sorely absent is how to pay for spending, so soon they will look to Washington for a bailout. I witnessed this same phenomenon when advising a State Treasure who excelled at drafting bills but lacked true economic understandings and hoped to be governor before anyone caught on.

Local government is no better. Election signs appear every year with pretty pictures and empty slogans. Once elected the same do-nothing bureaucrats satisfy themselves over people they represent. Road repairs outside my own community have been on the agenda for 5 years. Taxes went up every year but no repairs. This year it seems the whole city council is running for mayor, on do-nothing success records.

Governments, like HOA’s are equally trite. Often made up of practitioners looking to sell by granting favors for personal benefit, rather than upgrade communities. One BOD allowed a sheriff to overstep his civil authority and park his police cruiser on the street disregarding CC&R’s. Proving pathocracy flourishes even at the lowest level’s government.

No one can run your life better the you. Take back control from authorities and the socially petty. Create your own wealth. Anyone can do it—I become an entrepreneur at 47 but made my first million while employed. If I did it you can! Start your millionaire plan with small steps right here right now. Financial freedom is not awarded it is taken.

Kevin J Palmer





Author and Journalist Kevin Palmer – SMA Institute


The post Take Back Control first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

“Great Men of History, Were Criminals on a Rampage” Tue, 28 Jul 2020 15:39:36 +0000 Henry David Thoreau wasn’t impressed by the Pyramids. In his classic book, Walden, he wrote, “As for the Pyramids, there is nothing to wonder at in them so much as the fact that so many men could be found degraded enough to spend their lives constructing a tomb for some ambitious Read more…

The post “Great Men of History, Were Criminals on a Rampage” first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Henry David Thoreau wasn’t impressed by the Pyramids. In his classic book, Walden, he wrote, “As for the Pyramids, there is nothing to wonder at in them so much as the fact that so many men could be found degraded enough to spend their lives constructing a tomb for some ambitious booby, whom it would have been wiser and manlier to have drowned in the Nile, and then given his body to the dogs.” But civilization is adamant that we at least pretend to admire the ambitious boobies in our midst. Most of our holidays venerate the crooks, rapists, and pillagers overly credulous historians have helpfully repackaged as “founders,” “conquerors,” and “civilizers.” We erect statues, consecrate tombs, and close the banks to commemorate their difference-making. But make no mistake. Most of these monuments memorialize lunatics intoxicated by unconstrained ego, raving greed, and unimaginable savagery.

History,” wrote Alexander Herzen, “is the autobiography of a madman,” and in historical fact, most of the “great men of history” were criminals on a rampage. We celebrate them because they “changed the world.” But what’s the rational reason to believe they changed it for the better? Isn’t it just as likely that these madmen shaped civilization to reflect their own twisted values and ambitions? And who says the world needed changing in the first place? Far too easily, most of us simply accept the logically indefensible idea that the present was the pre-determined destiny of the past, and we should thank the ambitious boobies for giving us a shove down the path we were fated to follow. That line of thinking is similar to the nonsense of people who say, “I don’t regret anything I’ve ever done, because if I changed anything, I wouldn’t be me!” Well, in that case, Mr. Manson, parole is denied.

Sure there is. George Bernard Shaw wrote that “Patriotism is your conviction that your country is superior to all others because you were born in it.” Presentism is an expression of the same sort of ignorance, just applied to a historical time and place rather than a particular country: “We’re here now, so this is the best place to be, baby!” But just because we happen to live in it doesn’t mean this is the best of all possible worlds—or even necessarily any better than worlds that have been trampled and discarded on the way to where we are. Just because this is the course that history happens to have taken doesn’t mean it was the best possible outcome. To believe otherwise, one would logically have to believe in some kind of predestination, and argue that it was all worth it to get here: the Dark Ages, bubonic plague, centuries of slavery, uncountable wars, the Holocaust, disco—all of it. No doubt, we’ve come a long way. But was it a long way up, a long way down, or just a long, long way?

Thank you By Christopher Ryan PhD

Kevin Palmer Arizona


Author and Journalist Kevin Palmer – SMA Institute

Kevin Palmer Terminated From First  base on over throw

Worked my way up in Wall Street biggest firm and after I learned everything I could from them, teamed up with other executives to advise smaller firms. Kept my license with one of our clients, to day trade…bad idea (story for another time or another book)…but that addiction inspired my Behavioral Finance firm, sMa Institute which did groundbreaking research still used today in investment policies of some of those firms

Jul 2, 2018.  Former Arizona– based First Allied Securities broker/advisor


The post “Great Men of History, Were Criminals on a Rampage” first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Kevin Palmer Writer Rebel Producer Poet Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:04:53 +0000 Another book by Kevin J Palmer, soon to be critically acclaimed, challenges economic injustice through self-empowerment. Here he demonstrates how your first million dollars can be made without compromising personal values or harming others, simply by using abilities already within you.                    Read more…

The post Kevin Palmer Writer Rebel Producer Poet first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Kevin Palmer Arizona

Financial Freedom Fighter

Another book by Kevin J Palmer, soon to be critically acclaimed, challenges economic injustice through self-empowerment. Here he demonstrates how your first million dollars can be made without compromising personal values or harming others, simply by using abilities already within you.                        Kevin Palmer Writer


This Wealth Expert and Financial Freedom Activist, who opposes power in the hands of too few, divulges his cutting-edge research about people who quietly questioned authority, rejected hierarchies and undertook personal revolutions to acquire the enduring power of net worth.                                    Kevin Palmer Rebel


His book not only provides inclusive ethnic and gender diversity but a profoundly greater diversity of thought. The results are enticing stories that illustrate how you can achieve economic prosperity and permanently improve your quality of life.


Financial liberty is tested daily as people unknowingly fall hostage to agendas that drain their potential. Here, it is reaffirmed that all of us can exercise inalienable rights to a better life by refusing intrusions from bureaucrats, corporations, or any self-serving assemblages that rob economic dignity.                Kevin Palmer Producer


Making millions is easy when you already have one, but the rich don’t want you to know where to begin. In these pages, under the writing hand of Kevin J Palmer, a former behavioral finance CEO whose work shaped Wall Street investment policies, your American Dream reach, is finally expanded!           Kevin Palmer Poet

Jul 2, 2018.  Former Arizona– based First Allied Securities broker/advisor

Kevin Palmer was recently

Author and Journalist Kevin Palmer – SMA Institute

Over Discretionary Trades

Kevin Palmer Arizona  
Kevin palmer author

Kevin J Palmer Author & Financial Reporter

FINRA fraud

Discharged from his

Kevin Palmer Scottsdale

Terminated From First Base Over Throw   = –       =

writer rebel producer poet

The post Kevin Palmer Writer Rebel Producer Poet first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Agree with Dr. Mikovits Tue, 12 May 2020 13:14:18 +0000 Reprint: Earth Day April 22, 2020. On this reverent 50-year anniversary of Earth Day, the world is in the grip of its most widespread pandemic in history. Yet somehow, we still are in denial about our responsibility to care for this astonishing blue planet. As the most evolved creatures on Read more…

The post Agree with Dr. Mikovits first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Reprint: Earth Day

April 22, 2020. On this reverent 50-year anniversary of Earth Day, the world is in the grip of its most widespread pandemic in history. Yet somehow, we still are in denial about our responsibility to care for this astonishing blue planet. As the most evolved creatures on it, what happens in our world is exclusively our doing. Outside of earthquakes or asteroids hurling from space, most of what happens, good or bad, is our doing and we need to pay more attention to mother nature.

There seems to be an enormous lack of accountability guarding us against consequences of risk, as we prefer to live in denial about environmental responsibility. Those myths we tell ourselves can damage relationships, put us in bankruptcy, and even end our lives. Perhaps it’s time to admit the human role and the glaring fact, that most of what happens on the earth, is our fault. If you look close enough, anything can be traced back to our provenance—even Covid19!

The earth is only 24,901 miles in circumference (est. using equatorial measurement). The population numbers some 7.8 billion. As usage stands now, there are not enough resources for all the people in the world to live at the level Americans take for granted. Yet everyone, and who is to say otherwise, wants the highest standard of living possible for their families —which puts mother earth in a bad predicament. Covid19 is a wake up call for all the worlds citizens to take responsibility for what happens here on earth.

Destroying forests and natural habitats at such a rate, has put our delicate ecosystem out of balance. It’s driven animals and unknown pathogens perilously into our lives. More people on earth means increased animal food, requiring industrial breeding, high tech slaughterhouses, storage and wet markets—all hot beds of disease. Making the earth itself, sicklier and unable to renew, as it has done for 4.543 billion years. The sun someday, will be a Red Giant engulfing our planet. So, let’s use the remaining time well.


As humans we need to start, by putting our own houses in order. If you eat too much without exercise, your body stores too much fat. With that, comes other sickness and necessities, which require expansive medical care. Viruses are a part of life but shouldn’t kill us unless there are extenuating health circumstances, which often come from deficient self-care. Protecting oneself from contamination can be simple—use your manners. Cover your mouth, take personal space, wash your hands. The next mass extinction shouldn’t come a social faux pas.

Economic health is equally important. Most people caught without the prescribed 3-months of financial safety net savings are now scrambling for help. One renter asked his landlord if he could make a request for reduced payments, saying, (actual quote) “I know this is a stressful time for everyone but it’s none of our fault(s).” Nobody’s fault? Wrong on two counts! First, he, a banker, should be better prepared for a family financial crisis. Second, Covid19 is everyone’s fault for reasons previously stated. The wake-up call here is, we all share moral hazard!

In the 1800’s thousands died of cholera. What caused it was poor sanitation during an industrial revolution that missed peripheral issues. What mitigated cholera was a sewer system catching up to industry. There are practical answers for stemming the spread of contagions. All we need to do is take a broader look and increase personal responsibility. By the end of the next century this planet could have 12 billion people. Resources to sustain that do not exist. So, let’s start cutting mother nature some slack by being better stewards!


Do your small part. Don’t waste, consume less, recycle more. During my time rescuing wildlife, I came home one night and said. “Why am I eating other mammals for dinner after saving them during the day?” That night I stopped eating meat. Now due to pathogenic viruses originating in animals, jumping to humans, and pressures on our ecosystem. I’m trying full Veganism. By looking closer at our evolved relationship with animals and the earth, we will foster a greater respect for both, and make the world better for everyone.

Grow more food~ Kevin

Published by

Kevin J. Palmer

Kevin Palmer Author

Kevin Palmer author

The post Agree with Dr. Mikovits first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Stupidity a Dangerous Enemy of Good Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:31:15 +0000 ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Outspoken Christian hung in 1945 for plotting to kill Adolph Hitler just 20 days before the war ended, is as relevant today, as then. From his, Letters and Papers from Prison. “Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; Read more…

The post Stupidity a Dangerous Enemy of Good first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Outspoken Christian hung in 1945 for plotting to kill Adolph Hitler just 20 days before the war ended, is as relevant today, as then. From his, Letters and Papers from Prison.

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplishes anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable, they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.”


“The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans, catchwords, and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.”

The post Stupidity a Dangerous Enemy of Good first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Economic Catastrophe from Contra Virus Wed, 04 Mar 2020 16:00:40 +0000 Flash point in this 2020 presidential election will be wealth disparity. As that debate rages, my new book that challenges economic injustice, will be the center for level-headed perspective. Reawakening an American Dream – Creating Your Path to Financial Freedom is for all those still working for a living but Read more…

The post Economic Catastrophe from Contra Virus first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Flash point in this 2020 presidential election will be wealth disparity. As that debate rages, my new book that challenges economic injustice, will be the center for level-headed perspective.

Reawakening an American Dream – Creating Your Path to Financial Freedom is for all those still working for a living but some day want to retire early or well. The varied, culturally diverse subject matter appeals to the broadest demographic group.

The United States exhibits wider disparities of wealth between rich and poor than any other major developed nation. The fundamental appeal of this book is for those on the outside who wants more money in their life.

“Nine-in-ten Americans have consistently said they highly praised people who get rich by working hard and wealth holds a great attraction for young and old alike.” (Pew 2008)

Secondary audiences are those who still feel lingering impact of the Great Recession in much the same way Depression era generations of the 30’s and 40’s never fully recovered. It also echos to those who now fear economic catastrophe from the contra virus.

When my radio segments on wealth aired during “Morning Edition” and “Marketplace” it successfully drew audiences to the station’s in high numbers because financial traumas, shape participants their whole life.

“Twenty percent of all adults under age 30 say being wealthy is a top priority—Another 42% say it’s at least somewhat important to them” (Solomon and Whiting 08).

Reawakening an American Dream – Creating Your Path to Financial Freedom, coming to book store October 2020.







#WriterRebelProducerPoet (not caps)



# Peacethroughprosperity


The post Economic Catastrophe from Contra Virus first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.
