FINRA | Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale Champion of Financial Justice Fri, 15 May 2020 03:37:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fired for Insubordination Fri, 15 May 2020 03:35:56 +0000 Remember Doghouse Reilly Proudly Fired for Insubordination To achieve wealth, and the financial freedom that goes with it, all you need to do is change how you think. A recent SMA Institute study reveals, it’s not hard to change neuropathways in the brain and move into top percentiles of income Read more…

The post Fired for Insubordination first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Remember Doghouse Reilly

Proudly Fired for Insubordination

To achieve wealth, and the financial freedom that goes with it, all you need to do is change how you think. A recent SMA Institute study reveals, it’s not hard to change neuropathways in the brain and move into top percentiles of income or wealth. Most people tend to default to things they were taught as children, like being good students, or employees. But in order to thrive you must first unlearn some habits. If you’d rather not break rules or make waves at work, stop reading—but. if you want to get rich, get fired!

“One of my beloved accomplishment was being fired from FAS for insubordination.” Sometimes called, termination, laid off, or bad fit. It’s all corporate code for don’t sue us after you leave. Lighting a fire under mealy mouthed executives who think they are insulated gives me a rush. My former industry like most, was packed with empty suits who get paid on the blood, sweat and tears of hard-working ordinary folks who never get any loyalty but whose toil benefits owners that keep getting richer.

As a young news reporter in Baltimore, Oprah Winfrey’s boss said she, was a bad fit and look what happened to her. Lots of rich people got fired. Mark Cuban, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, my old neighbor Jerry Seinfeld. Even Abraham Lincoln was reduced to the military rank of private before he rose to President of the United State. While training stock brokers at white shoe Wall Street firm I needed to fire someone consistently missing expectations. He left and made millions as a computer dating entrepreneur.

Society would not work if no one was subservient because everyone would be a general and there’d be on soldiers. Control is essential and using fear bases rules, like with Covid19, it keeps the masses in order so those in the top percentiles of power can make the most money. As far back as 1200 BC Egyptian pharaohs agreed to protect farmers and then made them follow their rules while collected golden treasures. In England, during the Peteloo Massacre of 1819, people protested against such rule and were attacked by their own militia. Eighteen people were killed.

Once you give up your power, you may not get it back. Keep in mind there’s a long list of those who opposed institutions and governments, like Elon Musk, J.K. Rowling or Bill Gates. Disruptors get rich and don’t buy into mass think. My licenses were granted by FINRA and middle management bureaucrats used that to threaten, but no one needs a license to get rich. Serving agendas of companies, institutions and governments will only keep you in debt.

Resisting to be ruled will affect neuropathways in the brain and help you let go of misconception like, your boss knows better. Remember Doghouse Reilly. “I was fired for insubordination. I seem to rate pretty high on that…” If you want to make millions resist when others repress your ideas and express what you do best. Unlearn old habits and replace them with personal empowerment to launch transformational  change that will keep your focused and rich.

 › news › kevin-palmer Kevin Palmer Terminated From First Allied Securities Over …


The post Fired for Insubordination first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Fighting for Fights of Financial Professionals Wed, 23 Oct 2019 16:22:59 +0000 Last week, investors’ attorneys went on the offensive in trying to snuff out advisors’ ability to expunge frivolous investor complaints. Through their captive non-profit foundation, the Public Investor Arbitration Bar Association (“PIABA”) released a 29-page document purporting to be the Foundation’s “Study” into FINRA’s customer dispute expungement process. As a Read more…

The post Fighting for Fights of Financial Professionals first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Last week, investors’ attorneys went on the offensive in trying to snuff out advisors’ ability to expunge frivolous investor complaints. Through their captive non-profit foundation, the Public Investor Arbitration Bar Association (“PIABA”) released a 29-page document purporting to be the Foundation’s “Study” into FINRA’s customer dispute expungement process. As a surprise to literally no one, the findings of the “Study” were that regulators should implement a litany of changes to the expungement process immediately.


There is no longer any doubt that the few remaining rights of financial advisors are under attack by the likes of PIABA. AdvisorLaw encourages financial advisors to consider the implications of hiring a PIABA member if or when representation is needed. Public data shows that PIABA members have been hired by financial advisors hundreds of times in the preceding five years. Whether the advisors knew of their representation’s affiliation with PIABA is unknown.


Although it would not rise to the level of funding a terrorist organization, reps whom hire a PIABA member may be perceived as aiding in the attack on all financial advisors. Through PIABA’s website (, advisors can vet potential representation against a list of PIABA members.


If you find yourself in need of representation and you prefer working with those who continue fighting for the rights of financial professionals , AdvisorLaw is the right call to make.


Give me a call, I’m available today to discuss the viability of your case at no charge.



Josh Barber

Executive Director

The information contained herein has been obtained from reliable sources however may not be accurate and is not guaranteed by us.  Readers are encouraged to undertake their own independent investigation and evaluation of the relevant facts.  All claims and allegations are subject to adjudication, decisions may be subject to appeal, and no inference is intended, nor should any inference be made from any information contained herein from any source. This posting and the information on our website is for general information purposes only.  This content should be not considered legal advice, and any responses, comments, e-mails, other communications do not form any attorney client relationship. 

Combating Dishonest Attorney Advertisement. If you or someone you know has lost money investing call 480- 515 -2211 for a free consolation about the facts. Because some Stock Fraud news & Information Attorneys at Law accepts all cases on a contingency basis:  and only get paid if and when you collect money.  The feasibility of your claim may be limited, because you may not be eligible to recoup your losses. So we encourage you to avoid delay.  Call us first now to speak for free about such an attorney who would make the financial mistake of posting a solicitation about some on with only 3 clients.

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The post Fighting for Fights of Financial Professionals first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

New Report Tue, 10 Sep 2019 17:42:43 +0000 In 2018 alone, firms like Cetera settled 83% of claims against registered reps, who as a result, suffered inaccurate disclosure on BrokerCheck profiles. First Allied Securities was part of that contravention.   A case in point was July 2nd 2018 when a Former Arizona-based First Allied Securities broker/adviser was recently discharged from Read more…

The post New Report first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

In 2018 alone, firms like Cetera settled 83% of claims against registered reps, who as a result, suffered inaccurate disclosure on BrokerCheck profiles. First Allied Securities was part of that contravention.


A case in point was July 2nd 2018 when a Former Arizona-based First Allied Securities broker/adviser was recently discharged from his former employer. In order to validate their false claims of discretionary trading, FAS {First Allied Securities} paid a family member of the advisor they were trying to fire, a cash settlement. It was unsolicited by that person and there was no complaint.


It was intentionally done to make it look like the Arizona-based First Allied Securities broker/adviser had gone rouge when in reality, it was a conflict of interest case within the securities industry itself. In the end, the deceitful and unscrupulous action by Cetera management, tarnished a near perfect industry record for the advisor. It also caused untold damages to his family, until the truth was finally and accurately, fully disclosed.


Six months later the CEO Robert Moore of Cetera the parent company, stepped down amid many other accusations as lawyers crawled over one another to bring cases against brokers and broker-dealers.







Avoid financial scams




The post New Report first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

A Door Will Open Thu, 29 Aug 2019 23:10:21 +0000 My first consulting job started by mistake with Montauk Securities when I was hired as a producing national sales manager. It was an ego move for a bigger title and not much more money. In the ended I needed to resuscitate its bad business model and help rebuild the B-D Read more…

The post A Door Will Open first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

My first consulting job started by mistake with Montauk Securities when I was hired as a producing national sales manager. It was an ego move for a bigger title and not much more money. In the ended I needed to resuscitate its bad business model and help rebuild the B-D to save my own job and the firm. The hidden secrets we don’t know until we are deep int the thick of it!

In the end I turned the company around but it needed a distressed acquisition sale. When that was in play it was time for me to divest because I’d discovered my new opportunity of providing similar breakthrough value to help other leaders navigate highly disruptive environments.

My natural passion and talent to think creatively when others avoided complex and ambiguous problems was the diver of my broker dealer advisory firm, Strategic Management Advisors.



The information contained herein has been obtained from reliable sources however may not be accurate and is not guaranteed by us.  Readers are encouraged to undertake their own independent investigation and evaluation of the relevant facts.  All claims and allegations are subject to adjudication, decisions may be subject to appeal, and no inference is intended, nor should any inference be made from any information contained herein from any source. This posting and the information on our website is for general information purposes only.  This content should be not considered legal advice, and any responses, comments, e-mails, other communications do not form any attorney client relationship. 




Combating Dishonest Attorney Advertisement. If you or someone you know has lost money investing call 480- 515 -2211 for a free consolation about the facts. Because some Stock Fraud news & Information Attorneys at Law accepts all cases on a contingency basis:  and only get paid if and when you collect money.  The feasibility of your claim may be limited, because you may not be eligible to recoup your losses. So we encourage you to avoid delay.  Call us first now to speak for free about such an attorney who would make the financial mistake of posting a solicitation about some on with only 3 clients.  Posted in: Terminated adjudicate the former Arizona-based First Allied broker /adviser. Tagged: First Allied and Kevin Palmer Comments are closed. Securities Fraud Reports (1185) / FINRA Disciplinary Action (512) / FINRA Claims (317) /Customer / Complaint (315) / FINRA Dispute Resolution (211) / How to Avoid Financial Scams (150) / Class action (143) / Investor Tips (99) / Terminated (73) / Regulatory Sanction (64) / AWC (18) / FINRA News (18)

The post A Door Will Open first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.
