While working on my second book, a baffling societal oddity appeared—people who believe economic dignity is provided by a particular political party. The viewpoint offended my sense of inalienable power all humans possess. Financial Freedom has little to do with a president or party in power. Economic cycles, perhaps, can come to bear, but politicians regardless of what they campaign, do not. In capitalistic societies fortunes have always been made regardless of governments.

Believing one’s preferred brand of politics makes you rich, ridicules the essence of the American Dream. Yes, people feel safer in groups but expecting entitlement for such, is absurd. Mocking a current administration because it didn’t fit their self-serving beliefs seemed even more parochial then the conservatives they criticized.

Still, taking no stock in either side, I was troubled they were without an alternative path to prosperity. Then over scotch and cigars with men friends, who at some point in life, pushed an envelope to its limits. One repudiated when hearing people would pull a religion or race card rather than apply the gift of free enterprise.

“Until you land 39 thousand pounds of fully loaded thrust onto a moving aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf. Where your one wrong move can kill hundreds of people on board. You don’t truly understand responsibly of individual freedom!”

His words echoed. The next day when we spoke again, he gave me the number of his ex-wife, who once was a friend of mine. “Call her and she’ll set you straight.” He assured me.

Theirs’s was a relationship of passion with political difference, destined to fail. She was of Arab decent now living in Lebanon but educated in New York City. My recollection of her was a liberal yet pragmatic thinker and anticipated our conversation would lead to even more confusion about my dilemma—but I rang her anyway.

“Unlike Mexico, Europe and Canada.” She schooled me. “Today’s immigrants from further places are exposed to America in manic ways and expect freedom is simply the anthesis of the former regime. They may unknowingly carry shock effects of oppression. And might expect not to do much besides live there, to reap benefits. Not all that odd.”

I hadn’t thought about it in such clinical terms and it explained how someone could blatantly trash the country they live in because the party they favored was not in power. And at the same time, excepted financial benefits that 200 plus years of capitalism produced.

She not only turned on the light but agreed to explore with me understandings that might better plot paths to dissuade expectations of merely walking in and hoping the party that hands out the most will be elected. Now, with this expanded effort and if sleeves are rolled up, greater numbers of diverse people can achieve their American Dream.

Someday in a hoped-for future, by truly equalizing wealth injustices and improving the human condition. We might live without political vilification or a vast divide when it comes to those who have and have not.

Cloaking extremism in sanctity of liberal purpose is equally hypocritical.



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As Frank Burns said, “If I made any mistakes in this article, they are God’s will or someone else’s fault.”














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