In 64 A.D. an emperor named Nero fiddled while Rome burned.


It was on the same day 2033 before a senator drove his car off of a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island. Both incidents involved politicians but one was a habitual murderer. The fiddle would not be invented for over a thousand years after the fire raged in a South West slum in Rome. So, Nero who was in charge may not have fiddled but as empire decided to blame a new group called the Christian and undertook one of many non-Jewish holocaust, slaughtering men, woman and children so he could remain in political favor.


This was no nice guy. History shows he may have poisoned his stepfather Claudius, murdered his stepbrother, Britannicus, a year later. Then killed his mother, Agrippina, before taking-out his wife, Octavia. However he kept the masses happy with diversions, like killing Christians and other outdoor activities. His real mistake however was raising taxes.


To fix that political mistake he committed suicide.







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As Frank Burns said, “If I made any mistakes in this article, they are God’s will or someone else’s fault.”

Kevin J Palmer

Economic Justice

Economic Oppression

Peace through Prosperity

Financial Freedom Activist

Financial Literacy

Economic Dignity
