A Pragmatic Question

Asked during recent interview: I am curious if you think the world is unpredictable and scary right now. Answer: “I assume you are probing me intellectually because if that is really a pragmatic question, you can answer better than anyone based on your fear of the world this past year Read more…

He has been called A Radical Pragmatist

In a recent article, writer-rebel-producer-poet, Kevin J Palmer was called a Radical Pragmatist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE_vB0e6akg&feature=youtu.be About Kevin J. Palmer is a financial industry veteran devoted to challenging economic injustices by empowering others to attain Financial Freedom. His proficiencies are rooted in decades of driving performance for Wall Street giants Merrill Lynch and Read more…

Effective Leaders

Effective leaders have something in common — and it isn’t necessarily technical skills or a high IQ. Research indicates that effective leaders have a high degree of emotional intelligence.   Daniel Goleman, a Rutgers psychologist who has studied the link between emotional intelligence and business leadership for decades, calls emotional Read more…