Kevin J Palmer | Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale Champion of Financial Justice Wed, 21 Feb 2024 17:24:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Quotes: Kevin j Palmer Wed, 21 Feb 2024 17:07:09 +0000 “A big city, or a small town. It all seems the same to me. Most people would rather guilt the brave then find courage and perseverance, in themselves. No longer will I disguise my idealism or my conviviality to fit-in, because their lack of purpose is not my concern. “ Read more…

The post Quotes: Kevin j Palmer first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

“A big city, or a small town. It all seems the same to me. Most people would rather guilt the brave then find courage and perseverance, in themselves.

No longer will I disguise my idealism or my conviviality to fit-in, because their lack of purpose is not my concern. “


The post Quotes: Kevin j Palmer first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Super Bowl Ad Agency Fumble Wed, 14 Feb 2024 16:50:36 +0000 During my corporate career, I was proud to see our firms Super Bowl commercials. I may not have always revered the final product but understood the intent and accepted the financial price tag as worth public exposure. Intuitively, I respected the expertise of our adverting agencies that were paid big Read more…

The post Super Bowl Ad Agency Fumble first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

During my corporate career, I was proud to see our firms Super Bowl commercials. I may not have always revered the final product but understood the intent and accepted the financial price tag as worth public exposure. Intuitively, I respected the expertise of our adverting agencies that were paid big bucks to know the pulse of the public and create the resulting strategies that best suited their goals. This year, the Super Bowl commercials were as usual, good, bad, and mediocre. Yet what seemed to be ill advised by adverting executives, was the Robert Kraft commercial.   

Sadly, Jewish hatred is at an all-time high and no single group has suffered longer with that or have been clandestinely ridiculed than Jews. All the way back to the great pyramids, Jewish people have been reviled. It is the only group in the world to have a noun, anti-Semitism, to define the longevity of abhorrence —but advertising it seemed exploitative. Worse, couching it in a broad stroke with other very different minority group histories seemed patronizing. It was a slick production by the agency, but their client could suffer an opposite response of the intent. 

Drawing attention to yourself for not being liked, could create a bigger problem. If a bully picks on someone and the target continues to reinforce it with poor pitiful me, the blowback can be a “pile on.” Announcing your victimization during a football extravaganza, is like walking into a high school locker room after being picked on and saying, “here I am, in my tighty-whities stop picking on me.” I may not be an ad executive, but I have been in a locker-room. There are better ways to change opinions of people who don’t like the cut of one’s jib.

Plenty of good commercials made sense Super Bowl Sunday, but slavery and hatred are different. A good PR firm should deflect the negative not by complaining but by accentuating the positive to improve perceptions. In this case, the client lost yardage on a quarterback sack. Too much was spent on that ad to risk a boomerang effect. Jewish discrimination is too serious of an issue to be commercialized during a major national sporting event.

SMA Institute



Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer


The post Super Bowl Ad Agency Fumble first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

…soon to be criminally-tried prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu Fri, 20 Oct 2023 15:33:39 +0000 By, Michael Moore Dear President Biden: As I write this, you are in Israel to meet with their indicted and soon to be criminally-tried prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. A man you despise. A prime minister who last month, when he was in the U.S., you refused to grant him the Read more…

The post …soon to be criminally-tried prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

By, Michael Moore

Dear President Biden:

As I write this, you are in Israel to meet with their indicted and soon to be criminally-tried prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. A man you despise. A prime minister who last month, when he was in the U.S., you refused to grant him the traditional White House visit. You have expressed your distaste with how he has spent most of this year trying to destroy the Israeli Supreme Court, leading to millions of Israelis taking to the streets to demand that Netanyahu end his move toward fascism.

Mr. President, as I see it, you have five jobs to accomplish in the few hours you are in Israel:

1. Comforter-in-Chief: Please let the Israeli people know that you and we grieve with them over those who were killed, that no Jew should ever have to fear for their lives anywhere on this planet — and that we promise them we will fight to make sure what happened to them at the hands of White Christian Fascists during the Holocaust shall never happen again. NEVER.

Also, please reiterate that the world demands the Israeli hostages taken on October 7th must be released unharmed, and that you agree with the vast number of Israelis who are angry over the fact that their right wing leaders did nothing to protect them from this attack — and that hundreds died due to their negligence and distracting themselves by spending so much time this year on neutering their Supreme Court and deploying military assets to support Israeli settlers killing Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

2Be Your Best Jimmy Carter: Tell Netanyahu that we and all freedom-loving people will not stand for Israel committing any acts of mass slaughter or genocide on Palestinian civilians. Killing for revenge, “an eye for an eye,” is not how we are going to get through the 21st century. Tell the Israeli government it must sit down with the Palestinians and a respected mediator and resolve this conflict once and for all — starting with an end to the Occupation of Palestine by the Israelis — and including an end to their illegal settlements. Both sides must agree to end all violence. Gaza must cease to be a prison. Stating the obvious, Israel not only exists, it isn’t going anywhere. If you can’t see that, get over yourself. Andrew Jackson in the 1800s took Toledo from Michigan and gave it to Ohio. We got over it. (OK, bad example. We didn’t want anything Ohio wanted anyway. Plus all this land was already stolen from the Indigenous Peoples of the Great Lakes.)

President Biden, you know what is fair. You represent the Bank that can fund this peace, just as we have funded the Occupation and planted the seeds for more war. C’mon, man — what would the Pope you love so much do?

3Here Come the Yanks, Bearing Gifts Better than Myrrh: Tell Netanyahu to turn the water and electricity to Gaza back on. Tell him the U.S. and the British (who started this whole mess with their occupation and then redrew one of those nutjob maps of theirs), we and they are going to deliver mass shipments of humanitarian aid to Gaza and the West Bank. We are going to rebuild the hospitals Israel has bombed (for the complete list, see: United Nations/human rights violations). We will also rebuild the kibbutzes destroyed on October 7th, communes which had been filled with scores of peace-loving, communal-living progressive-minded decent souls whose lost lives now makes the world that much less of a better place for the rest of us. 

4. Come Clean, Joe: You’re a straight shooter, a no bs kind of guy. In fairness to the Israelis and Palestinians, why don’t we admit publicly, that while we talk a good line about our “support for Israel,” the fact is that for 75 years we have funded and built the nation of Israel as our own personal base of operations to “protect” our “interests” in the Middle East. Of course those interests are oil, occupation, more oil, invasions, intelligence gathering, even more oil, and the containment of Islam, brown people and other forms of life we consider “sub-human.” We’ve let Israel possess nuclear weapons (is that a good idea?). Of course, we’ve set the template for Israel. Shoot first and ask questions (or cover up) later. Invade for revenge, even if that country had nothing to do with 9/11. Let the oil companies and Wall Street call the shots. And as the last remaining “superpower,” let us continue to do our job as the world’s puppet master. We and our billionaire class pull the strings, we shout, they jump. 

It’s a bitter pill for the poor and ravaged to swallow, but isn’t it at least more honest and fair to them that we just fess up to what we’re up to — and how the chaos and conflict that’s taking place now (and for decades) in Israel and Gaza is good for us, good for the weapons manufacturers, good for the oil we claim as ours? I think most in the world would appreciate a moment of honesty.

5. Meet with the Palestinian and Arab LeadersOh, never mind. That ship sailed. After the Palestinians decided “hey, let’s bomb our own hospital!”, the Arab leaders decided there was no real point to meet with you. That’s too bad — maybe try again later.

I just watched your remarks about how you will be sending a hundred million dollars to help the people in Gaza and the West Bank. I hope it can be more. You’ve also just said that Israel has agreed to let a truck convoy carrying humanitarian aid into Gaza. So let’s hope this happens soon. Nothing about ending the occupation, or de-escalating the violence or preventing the next round of madness.

Well, President Biden, they’ve just announced that you may not spend the night in Israel and instead you may just fly back home right now. It’s easy for me to say, but it might be nice if you went and spent a night or two in one of those kibbutzes and talk to the young Israelis who are sick and tired of violence and war and Netanyahu. Just a thought.

Yours for peace,

Michael Moore


Boycott Israel for peace

Boycott Israel for peace

Boycott Israel for peace

Boycott Israel for peace

Boycott Israel for peace

Boycott Israel for peace

Boycott Israel for peace


Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer

The post …soon to be criminally-tried prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Israel criticizes UNESCO Wed, 27 Sep 2023 15:37:14 +0000 A United Nations committee has voted to list prehistoric ruins near the ancient city of Jericho in the occupied West Bank as a World Heritage Site in Palestine. The decision, which has been criticized by Israel, was made at a meeting of the UN World Heritage Committee in Riyadh, Saudi Read more…

The post Israel criticizes UNESCO first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

A United Nations committee has voted to list prehistoric ruins near the ancient city of Jericho in the occupied West Bank as a World Heritage Site in Palestine.

The decision, which has been criticized by Israel, was made at a meeting of the UN World Heritage Committee in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Sunday under the auspices of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO.

The listing refers to the Tell es-Sultan archaeological site nearby, which contains prehistoric ruins dating back to the ninth millennium BC and is outside the ancient city itself.

“A permanent settlement had emerged here by the 9th to 8th millennium BC due to the fertile soil of the oasis and easy access to water,” UNESCO said on its website.

Tell es-Sultan, an oval-shaped mound, contains evidence of one of humanity’s first-known villages and an important Bronze-Age town dating back to 2,600 BC.

It is around 2km (1.2 miles) from the remains of the first city of Jericho, which contains ruins of importance to Jewish history, including a synagogue dating back to the first century BC.

Jericho is one of the oldest continually inhabited cities on Earth, and is in a part of the Israeli-occupied West Bank that is administered by the internationally recognised Palestinian Authority.

Israel criticizes decision

Israel’s foreign ministry released a statement Sunday denouncing the decision, calling it a “cynical ploy”.

“The foreign ministry considers today’s decision another sign of the cynical use the Palestinians are making of UNESCO and the organization’s politicization,” the statement said.

“Israel will act with its many friends in the organization to change the flawed decisions made.”

Israel quit the UN organization in 2019 over accusations that it fosters an anti-Israel bias, but did send a delegation to this year’s meeting in Saudi Arabia.






Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer

The post Israel criticizes UNESCO first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Famous Quotes Infamously Thu, 24 Aug 2023 15:03:38 +0000 “The truth, is politically correct”. Kevin j Palmer Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Read more…

The post Famous Quotes Infamously first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

“The truth, is politically correct”.

Kevin j Palmer

Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer



The post Famous Quotes Infamously first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Ron DeSantis the Don Quixote Fri, 28 Jul 2023 15:38:45 +0000 Holier than thou, Governor Ron DeSantis told “his” government to probe whether Bud Light’s parent company breached its shareholders duties over its transgender partnership. He was speaking before Christians United for Israel, a group that fails to mention, Israel’s ethnocide of Palestinians and systemic racial violence. Such human rights abuses Read more…

The post Ron DeSantis the Don Quixote first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Holier than thou, Governor Ron DeSantis told “his” government to probe whether Bud Light’s parent company breached its shareholders duties over its transgender partnership. He was speaking before Christians United for Israel, a group that fails to mention, Israel’s ethnocide of Palestinians and systemic racial violence. Such human rights abuses and murders are the antithesis of his Christian beliefs. But since he hasn’t earned his own money, he must pander.

Apparently, it is easy for DeSantis to believe his own morality supersedes all others. Drunk with power, or a psychopath, his anti-woman’s body platform already has caused extensive suffering for women awaiting abortions for things like Anencephaly (virtually dead fetus) and the jailing of 17-year-old girls for using birth control. It’s akin to burning witches in the 1400’s for using earth remedies. Old white men making decisions for body parts they do not have is ludicrous, and not to mention, sinful. Privately, Mrs. DeSantis should be appalled.

Politicians like Ron DeSantis are so inept at fixing the true problems of the world, they must distract with peoples’ personal issues. Instead, Ron should man up and try fixing activities that are significantly impacting the world. Perhaps he hasn’t noticed but we are in the Anthropocene Epoch, a geologic time describing climate shift that will result in 20% of all plant and animal species being extinct within 25 years. Addressing food shortages that are killing millions, would also be a noble gesture.

But Ron DeSantis is a Don Quixote, standing against Florida’s revenue giant Disney. Until they pushed back—his first shoe to fall. Saying no to abortions is easy but he’s missing the whole equation. Government demanded babies would mean government responsibility for post care too like, formula, clothes, and college. Maybe he and Mrs. DeSantis should start adopting. Otherwise, Ron Quixote, climb back into the Dark Ages where you came from and pray that the key to the kingdom of heaven is not a self-serving egotism.


KjP, writer, rebel, producer, poet

Published by Status is online

Kevin J. Palmer

Writer, Producer, Social-Reformer

Published • 4d 53 articles #budlight #abortion #disney #rondesantis

Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer

The post Ron DeSantis the Don Quixote first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

NATO is Not for Sissies Sun, 16 Jul 2023 14:40:34 +0000 Founded upon Dissent, no king, no lord, no president-held the right to rule without the consent of the people. Sorry Joe we did not, “… find ourselves confronted with the ongoing crisis in Ukraine…” We created it, as we have done so many other times in past wars around the Read more…

The post NATO is Not for Sissies first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Kevin j Palmer, writer rebel produce poet

Founded upon Dissent, no king, no lord, no president-held the right to rule without the consent of the people.

Sorry Joe we did not, “… find ourselves confronted with the ongoing crisis in Ukraine…” We created it, as we have done so many other times in past wars around the world. It’s no wonder Volodymyr Zelenskyy is having a tantrum because he can’t immediately hide under the skirt of NATO.
During the breakup of the USSR in 1991, Russia pulled troops out of Germany because George Bush promised not to move NATO east. Since then, we permitted Hungry, and Czech Republic to enter NATO, along with Poland, where we quickly put our nukes.
Political trust is irrevocably broken due to leaders, who have no idea of their limits. Which includes Zelenskyy, a comedian and actor with a knack for putting himself in the spotlight. It’s the kind of subpar thinking that has failed since Vietnam and the world continues to buy-in, especially when it’s served with tyrannical U.S. influence.
You say America’s bold stance is because, it is morally wrong for Russia to occupy Ukraine. Yet it’s okay for apartheid Israel to commit ethnocide in the Palestinian territory, or for the U.S. to secretly cause civil wars or coups through CIA influenced architectures. You make sanctions sound righteous, when they are as brutal as war on civilian populations. And you pull troops out of Afghanistan as it collapses but fight by proxy, in Ukraine. What is your truth?
Sanctioning Russia into economic devastation, will only force them to join with our enemies. Then, when this war has worn down our military and drained the populous emotionally. There will be an international incident in the south China sea or in the Strait of Hormuz that will actually affect America directly. We will then be flat out of juice.
Prior to the Russian invasion we called Ukraine, a rogue state, a haven for computer hacking and financial corruption. Yet now we give them hundreds of millions to exasperate war. In the end, considering the catastrophic carnage to the country, they might have fared better under Russia. China is communist and its people prosper. Paul Collier said it best, those at the bottom do no worse under communism than capitalism. The real problem he says is, “…psychopaths, and they’re around 3% worldwide…” So, the problem is not just Russia, it is the 3% on all sides.
Face it, America stopping communism is a fear ploy for political control to avoid far more pressing issues on our plant—like or planet! We the people, need to stop accepting bait and switch tactics that avoid the broader issues. You can use PR whitewash and call me a rebel or non-patriot. But let’s take this in for a moment. My wife’s family came to America on the Mayflower. As is she today, all her female ancestors were Daughters of the American Revolution and our family worked hard to honor that and support this country through thick and thin.
Keep foremost in your mind, that this is a country founded by rebels that saw a wrong and fought to make it right. Accepting the status quo went out of style in 1776. The time to see what has not worked and make a change is upon us presently. Slaughter and destruction in the duplicitous name of stopping communism must end or we will have learned nothing from Vietnam—a war we lost in a country that was added to the tourist map. Yes, Joe it is time to eliminate the self-interest of “those 3%”, that wag the dog, and bring this country back to the principles it was founded upon.
Kevin j Palmer




Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer





The post NATO is Not for Sissies first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

How One Knows they Have Financial Freedom Tue, 20 Jun 2023 21:42:25 +0000 Interviewer: How does one know they have financial freedom? “You have reached Financial Freedom, when you require more time than money.”  Kevin j Palmer       Kevin j Palmer Writer-Rebel-Producer-Poet    Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Read more…

The post How One Knows they Have Financial Freedom first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Interviewer: How does one know they have financial freedom?

“You have reached Financial Freedom, when you require more time than money.”  Kevin j Palmer




Kevin j Palmer Writer-Rebel-Producer-Poet 


Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer




The post How One Knows they Have Financial Freedom first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Ode to a Designer Builder Wife Fri, 16 Jun 2023 16:31:29 +0000 Art is its own reward Not price or the profit Many strive to create Few have innate gifts Gretchen, my dearest You’re truly a natural Kevin j Palmer   #KevinPalmerWriterRebelProducerPoet # Kevin j Palmer Writer-Rebel-Producer-Poet  Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Read more…

The post Ode to a Designer Builder Wife first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Art is its own reward

Not price or the profit

Many strive to create

Few have innate gifts

Gretchen, my dearest

You’re truly a natural

Kevin j Palmer

PHG Development

PHG Development


#KevinPalmerWriterRebelProducerPoet # Kevin j Palmer Writer-Rebel-Producer-Poet 

Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer


The post Ode to a Designer Builder Wife first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

From Executive Matt Sanders Wed, 31 May 2023 14:18:09 +0000 Your work is a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter future! Hello Kevin, Congratulations on your extraordinary book, “Reawakening an American Dream”! Your work is a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter future filled with financial freedom and personal success. In a world dominated by “how-to” Read more…

The post From Executive Matt Sanders first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Your work is a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter future!
Hello Kevin,
Congratulations on your extraordinary book, “Reawakening an American Dream”! Your work is a beacon of inspiration, guiding us towards a brighter future filled with financial freedom and personal success.
In a world dominated by “how-to” guides, your book stands out as an empowering “I can” manifesto. Through captivating stories and profound insights, you unveil the remarkable journeys of everyday individuals who have achieved extraordinary wealth by embracing their inherent qualities. By showcasing their triumphs, you demolish the illusion that only a select few can attain financial prosperity.
Your exploration of the Quiet Rich goes beyond material gain. It delves into the realms of morality and human connection, reminding us of the true essence of what makes America great. By illuminating the path towards wealth equality and improving the human condition, you inspire us to reevaluate our understanding of success and challenge conventional notions of wealth accumulation.
As a Wall Streeter, Behavioral Finance Researcher, and Champion of Financial Justice, your extensive research has culminated in a transformative revelation. You have unraveled the secrets of those who, through a spiritual alignment with their personalities, made cognitive decisions that led to their wealth. From a hitchhiker turned entrepreneur to a wise grandmother who invested cookie jar money, their diverse stories exemplify the power of merging individuality with financial success.
What sets your book apart is its inclusive approach. Unlike traditional wealth manuals that dictate a single path to riches, you provide a platform for self-discovery. By synthesizing the experiences of ordinary people who have achieved greatness, you empower readers to unearth their own unique journey towards prosperity. Your work is a testament to the fact that there are no universal formulas for success but instead a myriad of personalized paths waiting to be explored.
“Reawakening an American Dream” exudes applied wisdom, courage, and the unwavering confidence to build meaningful lives while accumulating wealth. It offers a rare glimpse into the lives of those whose stories were previously unknown, and from them, we glean invaluable lessons and virtues. Your book reminds us that financial success can be achieved hand-in-hand with integrity and purpose.
Kevin, your contribution to the literary world and the field of personal development is remarkable. By sharing the stories and insights of these quiet and rich Americans, you have gifted us with a guide that transcends mere financial advice. It ignites the fire within each reader, encouraging us to embark on our own transformative journeys and realize our fullest potential.
Your book empowers countless individuals to rewrite their stories, overcome wealth injustices, and reshape their lives. Your work is a testament to the indomitable spirit of human perseverance and serves as a powerful reminder that within each of us lies the capacity to achieve greatness.
Warm regards,
Matt Sanders

Opinions expressed, reflect only the signed author’s views and not the wider views of SMA Institute, or Strategic Management Advisors. They belong to the content creators and not  Kevin j Palmer, the organization, its affiliates, or employees. Strategic Mgmt. Advisors/SMAI, author Kevin Palmer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of this site. Information contained herein is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy or usefulness. Kevin Palmer Arizona makes reasonable efforts to keep information correct, but makes no representations or warranties express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability with respect to its information. Any reliance you place on this material is strictly at your own risk and Palmer Private Equity or Peace through Prosperity writer-rebel-producer-poet will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate, or incomplete information on these websites. All rights reserved by Kevin J Palmer

The post From Executive Matt Sanders first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.
