Wealth Expert | Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale https://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com Champion of Financial Justice Tue, 26 May 2020 17:25:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 Fired for Insubordination https://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com/2020/05/26/fired-for-insubordination-2/ Tue, 26 May 2020 17:25:15 +0000 http://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com/?p=992 Proudly Fired for Insubordination To achieve wealth, and the financial freedom that goes with it, all you need to do is change how you think. A recent SMA Institute study revealed, it’s not hard to change neuropathways in the brain and move into top percentiles of income or wealth. Most Read more…

The post Fired for Insubordination first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Proudly Fired for Insubordination

To achieve wealth, and the financial freedom that goes with it, all you need to do is change how you think. A recent SMA Institute study revealed, it’s not hard to change neuropathways in the brain and move into top percentiles of income or wealth. Most of us tend to default to things we were taught as children, like being good students, or ideal employees. But in order to thrive you must first unlearn some habits. If you’d rather not break rules or make waves at work, stop reading—but if you want to get rich, get fired!

As a young news reporter in Baltimore, Oprah Winfrey’s boss said she, was a bad fit and look what happened to her. Lots of rich people got fired. Mark Cuban, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, my old neighbor Jerry Seinfeld. Even Abraham Lincoln was reduced to the military rank of private before he rose to President of the United States. While training stock brokers at white shoe Wall Street firm, I needed to fire someone who consistently failed my expectations. He left and made millions as a computer dating entrepreneur.

In society order must be maintained and using fear bases rules, like with Covid19, keeps the masses controlled, paving the way for those at the top to make the most money. As far back as 1200 BC Egyptian pharaohs first agreed to protect farmers and then made them follow their rules while they collected unimaginable treasures. In England, during the Peteloo Massacre of 1819, people protested against such rule and were attacked by their own militia. Eighteen people were killed.

Once you give up your power, you may not get it back. Keep in mind there’s a long list of those who opposed the status quo, like Elon Musk, J.K. Rowling or Bill Gates. Disruptors get rich and don’t buy into mass think. Licenses are granted by bureaucrats who monitor and threaten you with compliance but no one needs a license or a regulators’ approval to make a lot of money! Do what works (ethically) for you! Serving agendas of companies, institutions and governments will only keep you oppressed.

Resist being ruled and it will positively affect neuropathways in the brain to help you let go of misconception like, your boss knows better. Remember Doghouse Reilly. “I was fired for insubordination. I seem to rate pretty high on that…” If you want to make millions defy when others repress your ideas and express what you do best. Unlearn old habits and replace them with personal empowerment to launch transformational change that will keep you focused and rich.

Kevin J Palmer


The post Fired for Insubordination first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Economic Catastrophe from Contra Virus https://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com/2020/03/04/economic-catastrophe-from-contra-virus/ Wed, 04 Mar 2020 16:00:40 +0000 http://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com/?p=901 Flash point in this 2020 presidential election will be wealth disparity. As that debate rages, my new book that challenges economic injustice, will be the center for level-headed perspective. Reawakening an American Dream – Creating Your Path to Financial Freedom is for all those still working for a living but Read more…

The post Economic Catastrophe from Contra Virus first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Flash point in this 2020 presidential election will be wealth disparity. As that debate rages, my new book that challenges economic injustice, will be the center for level-headed perspective.

Reawakening an American Dream – Creating Your Path to Financial Freedom is for all those still working for a living but some day want to retire early or well. The varied, culturally diverse subject matter appeals to the broadest demographic group.

The United States exhibits wider disparities of wealth between rich and poor than any other major developed nation. The fundamental appeal of this book is for those on the outside who wants more money in their life.

“Nine-in-ten Americans have consistently said they highly praised people who get rich by working hard and wealth holds a great attraction for young and old alike.” (Pew 2008)

Secondary audiences are those who still feel lingering impact of the Great Recession in much the same way Depression era generations of the 30’s and 40’s never fully recovered. It also echos to those who now fear economic catastrophe from the contra virus.

When my radio segments on wealth aired during “Morning Edition” and “Marketplace” it successfully drew audiences to the station’s in high numbers because financial traumas, shape participants their whole life.

“Twenty percent of all adults under age 30 say being wealthy is a top priority—Another 42% say it’s at least somewhat important to them” (Solomon and Whiting 08).

Reawakening an American Dream – Creating Your Path to Financial Freedom, coming to book store October 2020.







#WriterRebelProducerPoet (not caps)



# Peacethroughprosperity


The post Economic Catastrophe from Contra Virus first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

So Called “Get Rich Experts” https://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com/2020/01/13/so-called-get-rich-experts/ Mon, 13 Jan 2020 15:20:41 +0000 http://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com/?p=866 Until now, all so called “get rich experts” tout their own style of one-size-fits-all techniques. Their opinions are based on a single idea created through a personal filter, the very subjectivity of which decreases the odds of success for others. The truth is, no single formula for obtaining financial prosperity Read more…

The post So Called “Get Rich Experts” first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Kevin Palmer Author

Kevin Palmer Author

Until now, all so called “get rich experts” tout their own style of one-size-fits-all techniques. Their opinions are based on a single idea created through a personal filter, the very subjectivity of which decreases the odds of success for others.

The truth is, no single formula for obtaining financial prosperity works! The only “expert” capable of determining how to create wealth is the person themselves and that makes options for succeeding infinite!

In my new book, hundreds of personalities were examined. The conclusion; all people share external traits but what separate success and failure is an applied divine difference that link behaviors on an individual basis.

My new book, Reawakening an American Dream, illuminates behavioral thinking that paves a way to wealth, by unlocking personal power permitting individual outcomes to naturally unfold—retooling the mind for individual best use.

Because the brain is more disposed to learning patterns from personal experiences, this book was written with composite characters based on the most common classic personality types to frame each chapter.

Actual success techniques were woven into the stories, making change virtually effortless, in much the same way children learn new behaviors because they are cognitively predisposed.

Regard theme as anyone-can-do-it stories—from a study of a hitchhiker turned serial entrepreneur to a grandmother who made her fortune investing her cookie-jar money. You’ll find each of them enlightening, as they offer instruction that can open doors to your own riches.

Expected Release Date July 10th 2020

Kevin J Palmer…writer rebel producer poet

The post So Called “Get Rich Experts” first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Writer Rebel Producer Poet Kevin J Palmer https://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com/2019/10/18/writer-rebel-producer-poet-kevin-j-palmer/ Fri, 18 Oct 2019 17:01:28 +0000 http://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com/?p=757 About writer rebel producer poet Kevin J Palmer         Devoted to Peace through Prosperity, Kevin J Palmer is a financial industry veteran challenging economic injustices through empowerment. In the stock market, only the most astute analysts can predict early and accurately that a ripple is about to become a tsunami Read more…

The post Writer Rebel Producer Poet Kevin J Palmer first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

About writer rebel producer poet Kevin J Palmer

Kevin J Palmer

Writer Rebel Producer Poet

        Devoted to Peace through Prosperity, Kevin J Palmer is a financial industry veteran challenging economic injustices through empowerment. In the stock market, only the most astute analysts can predict early and accurately that a ripple is about to become a tsunami and he made such calls on numerous occasions.

         His proficiencies are deeply rooted in driving performance for Wall Street giants Merrill Lynch and PaineWebber. After leaving the broker-dealer industry, he served as Managing Director of Strategic Management Advisors, where he collaborated with other executives to build better securities firms during a financial paradigm shift.

           In 2008, to drill deeper into his 98-percentile hypothesis, he spun off the SMA Institute. There, using scientific method, combining graduate studies in finance, with psychology and social work degrees, he dramatically altered socioeconomic forecasting and investment policy modeling.

           Measuring scope and scale of emotional intelligence in cognitive decision-making, he uncovered how people create wealth and make financial choices. The resulting behavioral and monetary insights opened barriers to attainment for ordinary people everywhere.

            His public advocacy against economic abuse resulted in methods to advance morally achievable wealth. That collection of work continues to disrupt the debate about wealth-stratification and economic inequality.

                In his free time, this champion of financial justice participates in wildlife rescue, environmental stewardship and as recipient of Arizona Governor’s Archaeology Award, is fascinated by uncovering the lives of individuals who lived thousands of years ago.

The post Writer Rebel Producer Poet Kevin J Palmer first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Growing China’s Middle Class https://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com/2019/07/30/growing-chinas-middle-class/ Tue, 30 Jul 2019 17:21:42 +0000 http://kevinpalmerscottsdale.com/?p=593 Growing China’s Middle Class   Economic pundits are coming to grips with a new global realty check. The realization that industrialized double digit export growth in China is unsustainable. However, that has not deterred Chinese policymakers from eyeing new sustainable growth strategies to propel China into the preeminent world economic Read more…

The post Growing China’s Middle Class first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.

Growing China’s Middle Class


Economic pundits are coming to grips with a new global realty check. The realization that industrialized double digit export growth in China is unsustainable. However, that has not deterred Chinese policymakers from eyeing new sustainable growth strategies to propel China into the preeminent world economic power.

One secret weapon could be China’s middle class, now the biggest in the world. Growing much faster than America’s, China’s has the potential to increase an estimated 73% by 2020.  Adapting that swelling middle class to a service, consumer, and private consumption economy will drive long-term social stability, generate higher employment growth and expand the middle class into the economically challenged rural northwest and western regions.

Shifts in China’s urban middle class have occurred at a brisk pace for the last decade. Quick advancement into higher economic brackets is a common occurrence. Spending habits of these consumers are not only influenced by income but by brand awareness.  The young, well-educated and price sensitive, seek the latest fashion to stand out from their peers. The older more experienced middle class demand better quality in goods and service.

Yes, purchasing behavior and demographic features vary among the different sub-segments within China’s middle class. However, most are interested in the latest products as well as the world outside of China. The other characteristic of these ambitious consumers is — they are looking to classic American lifestyles for inspiration to build their own financial dreams.

What better blueprint is there for China then the code of America’s “Quiet Rich”? To understanding the lives of those humble yet dynamic American millionaires who rose from meager beginnings will greatly benefit China’s emerging classes and grow China from the inside out.

The post Growing China’s Middle Class first appeared on Kevin J Palmer Scottsdale.
