Failed Leadership

The most significant crisis in the history of modern America and politicians’ have defaulted to age-old argument of raising or lowering taxes to get elected because it’s the easiest path to power. All leadership has failed in this crisis. True Vision in the public sector is absent. Kevin Palmer Kevin Read more…

Kudos to NPR

SMA Institute has found the number one weakness of journalist reporting on stock markets and finance, is their lack of economic understanding. Kudos to NPR for moving in the right direction. Must-have math skills for the number-crunching newsperson JEROME SOCOLOVSKY • JUNE 17, 2020 How many football fields did this texter Read more…

Challenging Prejudices Discovering Commonalities

Challenging Prejudices Discovering Commonalities There reason Neanderthal became extinct is they didn’t share – food, shelter, protection, child care and sexual pleasure intimately in a binary relationship. Sex and food preparation etc., was done without partner responsibility. That lacking emotionally intelligent connection, makes life empty and beyond a full stomach, leaves much Read more…

Upon Completion of Case

From the File February 8th 2018 Dear Ryan Maul, This letter of voluntarily resignation is addressed to you because your superiors have not returned correspondences. Likely because ethical boundaries were crossed in fabricating facts to forward personal inter-company promotions. I may have threatened your orthodoxy but my refusal to shut down Read more…


Fired for Insubordination

Remember Doghouse Reilly Proudly Fired for Insubordination To achieve wealth, and the financial freedom that goes with it, all you need to do is change how you think. A recent SMA Institute study reveals, it’s not hard to change neuropathways in the brain and move into top percentiles of income Read more…