Upon Completion of Case

From the File February 8th 2018 Dear Ryan Maul, This letter of voluntarily resignation is addressed to you because your superiors have not returned correspondences. Likely because ethical boundaries were crossed in fabricating facts to forward personal inter-company promotions. I may have threatened your orthodoxy but my refusal to shut down Read more…


Fired for Insubordination

Remember Doghouse Reilly Proudly Fired for Insubordination To achieve wealth, and the financial freedom that goes with it, all you need to do is change how you think. A recent SMA Institute study reveals, it’s not hard to change neuropathways in the brain and move into top percentiles of income Read more…

Those “in-between” Days

Most days I analyze, calculate, strategize and execute. Then there are those days I want nothing to do with stock markets, balance sheets or the business of “businesses” and instead, mindfully ideate, write and sing. Then there are those “in-between” days when it’s all about the wine.

SEC Charges Cetera with Fraud

“In a case that turns on the adequacy of conflict-of-interest disclosures, the SEC inexplicably excludes many relevant disclosures,” Cetera Advisors and Cetera Advisor Networks wrote in a partial motion to dismiss claims the SEC filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado in August. “In particular, the SEC Read more…

Learn from Others

The Quiet Rich Website By Kevin J. Palmer under American Dream, Media     Kevin J. Palmer Former Stock Strategist, CEO & Behavioral Researcher, writes about Economic Empowerment. Recognized for Environmental Stewardship, Championing Financial Justice, Wildlife Rescue and the Governor’s Archaeology award. PLAY THIS RADIO OUTTAKE LOUD…. Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow Read more…