It was around this time of year in 1918, America was at war, we usually are—no judgment. That meant productivity was essential and so was saving energy. Well the rocket scientist Washington thought (oxymoron) that to save energy and produce more for the war effort, America needed more time, with workable daylight.

So, President Wilson signed into law the first Daylight Saving Time in the nation’s history. Everyone in America moved their clocks ahead one hour. Soon the protests began. Fisherman to farmers, everyone who dealt with nature complained. The nation’s children like my grandfather would tell his father and soon their kids like me would hear stories about how many miles, they had to walk to school. What was accurate is it was in the dark.

The farmers had the best argument because cows refused to be milked at the new time. eventually the very large farm lobby forced Congress to repeal and abandon the ridiculous notion of Daylight-Saving Time. In 1919, the law was repealed and the experiment was permanently shelved.

But then along came something called World War II…

As Frank Burns said, “If I made any mistakes in this article, they are God’s will or someone else’s fault.”

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