It is the right of all Americans is to construct their American Dream morally and practically without unnecessary interference from government, large corporations or oppressive institutions.

Economic liberty is based in the founding documents of the U.S. Constitution and the sMa Institute ltd., is a force for that freedom. All too often Americans unknowingly become nothing more than consumers used to fill pockets of greedy, malevolent corporations or voter pawns for do nothing politicians and bureaucrats who accept corruption as their way to wealth.

Economic oppression also comes from self-regulatory organizations who permit ridiculous restraints in the name of oversight that limit free enterprise. Occupational licensing too, can stifle entrepreneurship and squelch competition. Special interest groups use their money and power to unnecessarily interfere with peoples’ choices that should be able to expand naturally. Even entrepreneurs are under attack by unreasonable requirements that stand in the way of their American Dream.

sMA Institute ltd., under the direction of senior partner Kevin J Palmer is quietly standing up for the masses by taking consumer and entrepreneur constitutional rights seriously. Before becoming known as a financial freedom activist, he left the securities industry in 2004, leaving supervisory licenses intact, to become Managing Director of, Strategic Management Advisors and create cutting edge business models for broker-dealers.

Four years latter he took on a public advocacy for economic liberty and with his behavioral research team published a wide variety of reports that measured the scope and scale of emotional intelligence in the decision processes. Studies that disrupted the unyielding debate about economic equality in academia and media. Those reports became his basis for deeper research on how treatment of economic information and emotional factors lead to sound financial decisions.

Then after years of research into cognitive influences that position people to attain wealth on their own terms. Kevin J Palmer proved, that by choosing to live authentically and connecting personality to the vastness of spirit, one can achieve abundance without maliciousness. His first book, “The Quiet Rich” opened barriers for wealth, entrepreneurship, and economic liberty.

Today, as a writer, activist, producer, poet and rebel!  Kevin J Palmer demonstrates that economic liberty can be had morally and practically. Working on a second book, Reawakening an American Dream, due to be release in Autumn. This Humble Warrior strives to equalize unfairness and terminate economic abuse through financial literacy.

His advocacy and passion has set precedents that paves the way for millions of hard-working men and women to achieve for themselves and their families, the right to economic prosperity through honest and moral enterprise.

Keep up this fight until economic abuse is  terminated!

Alana Roberts




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