Your HOA needs a
Homeowner Advocate. You.
Homeowner Advocate: A member of your HOA who helps preserve Homeowner Rights by monitoring, analyzing, and
responding to Board actions that may be in violation of state law or governing documents.
Why does your HOA need a
Homeowner Advocate?
HOA Boards rely on member apathy in order to
operate with minimal accountability. Without
consistent member oversight, predictable problems
may arise: Neglect of common areas, loss of records,
secret meetings, selective enforcement, breach of
fiduciary duty, misappropriation of funds, violation of
State Code or Governing Documents, rigging of
elections, property seizures, and fraud.
Your well intentioned scrutiny is essential. Once
monitored, illegal and unethical HOA Board actions will
be exposed and, ideally, eliminated. Sunshine is the best
Your role as Homeowner Advocate is critical in
preserving Homeowner Rights and keeping your Board
from operating outside the scope of their authority.
Without a Homeowner Advocate, the Board:
1. May take actions that violate State Code or
Governing Documents;
2. May get careless or deceitful in maintaining
documents and records;
3. May establish policies that discourage or disregard
owner questions, input, or criticism:
4. May hold secret meetings;
5. May claim more authority than allowed by State
Code or Governing Documents;
6. May consolidate power to eliminate change to
Board composition;
7. May threaten members with legal action to create a
culture of fear.
What does a
Homeowner Advocate do?
As a Homeowner Advocate, your goal is to strengthen
individual Homeowner Rights within your HOA by
monitoring the actions of the Board. You watch,
research, and report. Remember, the Board is elected
to serve the HOA and must do so within their limited
scope of authority. Your thorough knowledge of State
Code and Governing Documents is crucial.
The Board may attempt to silence your questions by
defending actions as being in the best interest of the
HOA according to advice from HOA legal counsel. They
will often liberally excuse themselves for infractions
claiming they are simply volunteers doing their best,
when in fact there is no excuse for violating State Code
or Governing Documents. Homeowner Advocates, look
at the facts and hold the Board accountable.
Your carefully crafted and respectful letters to the
Board—even when those letters appear to be ignored—
can be valuable in getting the Board to correct their
behavior. Further, they may be significant evidence of
the Board’s full knowledge of their violation should
there be legal action later on. Your letters are valuable.
As a Homeowner Advocate you strengthen your HOA.
1. Help preserve critical Homeowner Rights.
2. Give a voice to ignored or mistreated members.
3. Face the board with courage and facts.
4. Ask pertinent and essential questions.
5. Research State Code and Governing Documents.
6. Acquire and review Board reports, minutes,
budgets, and financials.
7. Share your findings.
As a result of your consistent monitoring of Board
actions you will be a valuable resource to the Owners.
Your HOA needs a Homeowner Advocate. You.
© 2016 Celeste Elain Witt