About writer rebel producer poet Kevin J Palmer

Kevin J Palmer

Writer Rebel Producer Poet

        Devoted to Peace through Prosperity, Kevin J Palmer is a financial industry veteran challenging economic injustices through empowerment. In the stock market, only the most astute analysts can predict early and accurately that a ripple is about to become a tsunami and he made such calls on numerous occasions.

         His proficiencies are deeply rooted in driving performance for Wall Street giants Merrill Lynch and PaineWebber. After leaving the broker-dealer industry, he served as Managing Director of Strategic Management Advisors, where he collaborated with other executives to build better securities firms during a financial paradigm shift.

           In 2008, to drill deeper into his 98-percentile hypothesis, he spun off the SMA Institute. There, using scientific method, combining graduate studies in finance, with psychology and social work degrees, he dramatically altered socioeconomic forecasting and investment policy modeling.

           Measuring scope and scale of emotional intelligence in cognitive decision-making, he uncovered how people create wealth and make financial choices. The resulting behavioral and monetary insights opened barriers to attainment for ordinary people everywhere.

            His public advocacy against economic abuse resulted in methods to advance morally achievable wealth. That collection of work continues to disrupt the debate about wealth-stratification and economic inequality.

                In his free time, this champion of financial justice participates in wildlife rescue, environmental stewardship and as recipient of Arizona Governor’s Archaeology Award, is fascinated by uncovering the lives of individuals who lived thousands of years ago.