As we have witnessed in recent political debates politicians without practical economic training create smokescreens to distract from actual details of economic understanding and pit one side against the other to avoid truth. Donald Trump bullied federal reserve chairman Powell who had no part of Whitehouse fiscal policy. Joe Biden promised tax cuts but will repeal previous tax cuts, making it at best, a neural strategy.

State government is far worse. Covid19 has put Governors on the national stage. Like ants without a queen, policy is as random as their economic understanding. Sorely absent is how to pay for spending, so soon they will look to Washington for a bailout. I witnessed this same phenomenon when advising a State Treasure who excelled at drafting bills but lacked true economic understandings and hoped to be governor before anyone caught on.

Local government is no better. Election signs appear every year with pretty pictures and empty slogans. Once elected the same do-nothing bureaucrats satisfy themselves over people they represent. Road repairs outside my own community have been on the agenda for 5 years. Taxes went up every year but no repairs. This year it seems the whole city council is running for mayor, on do-nothing success records.

Governments, like HOA’s are equally trite. Often made up of practitioners looking to sell by granting favors for personal benefit, rather than upgrade communities. One BOD allowed a sheriff to overstep his civil authority and park his police cruiser on the street disregarding CC&R’s. Proving pathocracy flourishes even at the lowest level’s government.

No one can run your life better the you. Take back control from authorities and the socially petty. Create your own wealth. Anyone can do it—I become an entrepreneur at 47 but made my first million while employed. If I did it you can! Start your millionaire plan with small steps right here right now. Financial freedom is not awarded it is taken.

Kevin J Palmer





Author and Journalist Kevin Palmer – SMA Institute