Seeing Eye Dog That Couldn’t See


Graham’s seeing eye dog came into his life from British Academy of Guide Dogs.


Edward was a seeing eye dog that opened a new world for owner Graham who had injured his eyes in separate accidents. He had lost his right eye completely in a car crash then, years later the left eye was hurt in another accident and weakened by glaucoma.


Many years later Edward the seeing eye dog, was stricken with glaucoma and went blind himself. A dog who had loaned his eyes to another for much of his life had lost his site completely due to the same disease that impaired his master.


This English Retriever was already popular but after losing his sight, there came an outpouring of support. People clamored to meet him. Edward loved the attention and would lay on one shoulder, bottom sticking up and bark to his fans.


Stardom hasn’t ruined this blind dog and to Graham his master he’s a constant companion. That love between animal and master is especially powerful. Graham says, “it’s more than man relying on dog, it’s the other way around.”


Connection between human and dog is an intimate and intuitive bond.


Thank you, Jennifer S Holland  for this beautiful story.





Palmer Private Equity, is rooted in Kevin’s Behavioral Economic Research that once set standards for Wall Street brokerage firms. It is now run by Kevin & Gretchen both formally trained at NYSE traded corporations. Its Philanthropic entity invests for the public good in the family’s nonprofit. Kevin is a Financial Freedom Fighter, who as an epigrammatic writer illustrates  how emotional intelligence leads to decision processes that enable economic dignity & improves quality of life. He published two books as well as numerous articles and blogs on economic and financially related topics and his third book will be out in 2023. Kevin has also had radio appearances on NPR’s Market Place, NPR affiliate KJZZ-FM, KXTZ-FM, as well as television appearances on KPNX-TV, KVVU-TV5, KNXV-TV. He currently resides in Scottsdale, AZ

“Peace through Prosperity” projects to challenge Injustices through Self-empowerment.
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Kevin Palmer

Author Kevin Palmer 

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